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bulgarian-hungarian online dictionary

Education; Special education

This is a free possibility for searching any kind of Bulgarian and Hungarian (it works in both directions)words, expressions and ...


Sociology; People

Referred to a person who is perfectly at ease with social networks of any kind; he/she understands how social media work, in ...


General; Miscellaneous

Showing the desire to buy more books, despite already owning more than one could possibly read.

water manufacturing

Natural environment; Water

Water manufacturing is the process to produce potable water by combining oxygen and hydrogen atoms together with artificial ...


Computer; Computer hardware

Term used to describe Apple addicts, who must always be amongst the first to buy all the newest Apple Gadgets, think poorly of ...


Language; Slang

This word is use to mean friend, or someone in your circle or friends - that is why it is referred to as "round", as in knights ...


Sociology; Social learning

The term is related to the illegal immigration, which has been the main headline of the north African news. Al harga means ...


Love; Romantic love

A blend of extra and sprize: something lovers give each other in romantic journey. Like giving more than one present or ...


Dance; African-American

The act of dancing uncontrollably by shaking your hips in an up-and-down motion. ("wow - that girl is going twezerk!")

iPhonokiaberry people

Culture; People

The age of people who can not imagine their life without iGadgets, iPhones, Web Browsers, Social networks or internet. This ...


General; Miscellaneous

This is when you have so much work that you decide to sleep instead. It is both the sleep part and the procrastination part, but ...


Language; Language learning

Pronounced bromshi; Complete disorder and confusion, a jumble or disorderly mass, a mess, absolute chaos, a total lack of ...

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