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Revelex development and business terms glossary


19 Terms

Created by: aroger

Number of Blossarys: 1

My Terms
Collected Terms

A term formerly used to describe a cruise booking proposal that had been put into the hold status. Deprecated for PA5.

Domain: Travel; Category: Cruise; Travel sites

Термин који се некада користио за описивање резервација крстарење које су у статусу чекања. Превазиђено за ПА5.

Domain: Travel; Category: Cruise; Travel sites

A special purchase condition where little or no money is used to secure a travel product for a short period of time. Essential a limited time purchase that requires finalization.

Domain: Travel; Category: Air travel; Cruise; Hotels

Посебни услови куповине у којима се мало или нимало новца користи да би се обезбедио туристички производ за кратак временски период. Основно је ограничено време куповине у коме се захтева финализација.

Domain: Travel; Category: Air travel; Cruise; Hotels

A collection of products in itinerary form, that includes pricing and details for client/traveler acceptance.

Domain: Travel; Category: Air travel; Cruise; Hotels

Zbir proizvoda u formi itinerera koji uključuje cenu proizvoda i ostale detalje koji su klijentu/putniku potrebni da bi prihvatio ponudu.

Domain: Travel; Category: Air travel; Cruise; Hotels

A person who is responsible for facilitating a travel booking. A member of a travel agency.

Domain: Travel; Category: Travel sites

Agent je osoba koja je zadužena da olakša rezervisanje turističkih usluga. Agent je član tima turističke agencije.

Domain: Travel; Category: Travel sites

An office is a business unit that is physically co-located. It is comprised of persons, some of which may be agents. Those agents may belong to one or more agencies. The identity of an office may be tracked in our system in parallel to a parent agency.

Domain: Travel; Category: Travel sites

Kancelarija je prostorna jedinica u kojoj je smeštena odredjena firma. U ovom prostoru rade zaposleni jedne firme, a medju njima može biti i agenata. Agenti mogu saradjivati sa jednom ili više različitih agencija. Detalji o poslovnom prostoru firme/agencije se mogu pratiti kroz zvanične regirstre.

Domain: Travel; Category: Travel sites

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