Contributors in Fruits



Fruits & vegetables; Fruits

Сладък, ароматен тропически плодове от семейство. Използвани в конфитюри, желета, консерви, сосове и напитки. Също така може да се яде на ...


Fruits & vegetables; Fruits

Also called "shaddock" and "pumello," this large citrus fruit is very similar to large grapefruits, but can weight up to 25 pounds. May be prepared and served any way that grapefruits are prepared ...

сушена синя слива

Fruits & vegetables; Fruits

A dried plum. Traced back to Roman times, the prune is popular for its ability to store well. Commercial dehydration has replaced sun-drying as the method of producing plums.

порториканска череша, асерола

Fruits & vegetables; Fruits

A cherry-like fruit from a small tree in the West Indies and adjacent areas. This fruit contains a high concentration of vitamin C. Also called "acerola" and "Barbados cherry."


Fruits & vegetables; Fruits

Месести жълтеникаво червен тропически плод, който се яде зрели или се използват зелени за туршия или ...

райска ябълка

Fruits & vegetables; Fruits

A warm-weather fruit of which there are two important varieties: "Hachiya" (Japanese persimmon) and the "Fuyu" which is milder. The Fuyu is smaller. Both should be completely ripe before eaten. Used ...


Fruits & vegetables; Fruits

This fruit is used in salads and as a dessert. It has a creamy white flesh that is juicy and sweet. The litchi has been cultivated in China for over 2,000 years. Dried litchis are eaten like nuts. ...

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