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Oriental rugs
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Oriental rugs
изкуствена коприна
Home furnishings; Oriental rugs
Фалшиви коприна е обикновено синтетични, като полиестер, или целулозни влакна като вискоза/изкуствена коприна. Мерсеризиран памук се използва като коприна двойници. Също се нарича копринени, ...
Home furnishings; Oriental rugs
A region in the Caucasus known for large format rugs. Many designs are found and the most famous are the Eagle Kazak and the Cloudband Kazak. Foundation is usually wool and knots count is around 65 ...
Home furnishings; Oriental rugs
Северна Централна индийски град в провинция на Раджастан. Градът е известен като затворници тъкат черги за търговски цели. Килими се основават на 17 век индийски Моголският ...
Home furnishings; Oriental rugs
A former Persian capital and one of the most famous cities in the production of Persian rugs. Isphahan is located in western Iran and was the capital city during the golden age of Persian rug ...
Home furnishings; Oriental rugs
One of the most famous centers for oriental rugs production. The city is located in northwest Iran about forty miles west of Tabriz. Although a low knot count of about 30-80 is commonly used, these ...
Home furnishings; Oriental rugs
A western Turkish town known for very finely woven silk Hereke rugs having designs of classic Persian motifs, curvilinear Ghiordes prayer rugs, and frequently include border inscriptions.Hereke rugs ...