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Catholic church

The Catholic Church is the world's largest Christian Church with 1.2 billion members worldwide. It is among the oldest institutions in the world and has played a prominent role in western civilization. The Catholic heirarchy is lead by the Pope. The Catholic Church is Trinitarian and defines it's mission as spreading the word and teachings of Jesus Christ.

Contributors in Catholic church

Catholic church


Religion; Catholic church

The personal name of the God of Israel, revealed to Moses on Mt. Sinai, meaning "I am who I am" (205).


Religion; Catholic church

Насърчаване на възстановяването на единство сред всички християни, единство, което е подарък на Христос и към които църквата се нарича от Светия Дух. За католическата църква постановлението за ...

Отче наш

Religion; Catholic church

The title early Christians gave to the prayer which Jesus entrusted to his disciples and to the Church (Mt 6:9-13). This fundamental Christian prayer is also called the "Our Father," which are its ...


Religion; Catholic church

From the Greek word eschaton, meaning "last. " Eschatology refers to the area of Christian faith which is concerned about "the last things," and the coming of Jesus on "the last day": our human ...

пътят на Кръста

Religion; Catholic church

A devotional exercise which follows the "way of the cross" in the Savior's steps, observing stops or "stations" to meditate on the path Jesus took from the Praetorium in Jerusalem to Golgotha and the ...

монашески живот

Religion; Catholic church

Богопосветен живот маркирани с публична професия на религиозните обети за бедност, целомъдрие и подчинение и от стабилна Общността живот (в манастир) с честването на литургията на часовете в хор ...


Religion; Catholic church

Едно действие или бездействие, което само по себе си или от намерението, причинява смъртта на хора с увреждания, болни или умиращи хора--понякога с опит да се оправдае Акта като средство за премахване ...

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