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Catholic church
The Catholic Church is the world's largest Christian Church with 1.2 billion members worldwide. It is among the oldest institutions in the world and has played a prominent role in western civilization. The Catholic heirarchy is lead by the Pope. The Catholic Church is Trinitarian and defines it's mission as spreading the word and teachings of Jesus Christ.
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Catholic church
Religion; Catholic church
Един от четирите кардинал морални добродетели, която осигурява твърдост в трудности и постоянството в това да е добър (1808). Мъжество (понякога се нарича сила, смелост, или може да) е един от ...
Religion; Catholic church
(1) Biblical revelation about the reality of sin in human history. The Biblical story begins with the original sin freely committed by the first human beings. This primeval event is narrated in ...
духовен сан
Religion; Catholic church
The Sacrament of Apostolic Ministry by which the mission entrusted by Christ to his Apostles continues to be exercised in the Church through the laying on of hands. This sacrament has three distinct ...
Religion; Catholic church
The Sabbath or seventh "day," on which God rested after the work of the "six days" of creation was completed, as recounted in the opening narrative of the Bible. Creation is thus ordered to the ...
канонично право
Religion; Catholic church
Правила (канони или закони) нормите за добър ред в обществото на видими на църквата. Тези canon закони, които важат навсякъде се съдържат в кодове на каноническо право. Най-новите код на каноническо ...
Religion; Catholic church
Официални, църковни книга (lectionary) от която reader (четец) обявява писанието показания, използвани в литургията на думата ...
възкресение от мъртвите
Religion; Catholic church
The raising of the righteous, who will live forever with the risen Christ, on the last day. The eleventh article of the Christian creed states, "I believe in the resurrection of the body. " The ...