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Catholic church
The Catholic Church is the world's largest Christian Church with 1.2 billion members worldwide. It is among the oldest institutions in the world and has played a prominent role in western civilization. The Catholic heirarchy is lead by the Pope. The Catholic Church is Trinitarian and defines it's mission as spreading the word and teachings of Jesus Christ.
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Catholic church
Religion; Catholic church
Покупка или продажба на духовните неща, които Бог само като техен собственик и капитана (2121).
Religion; Catholic church
Апостолите и техните приемници, колегията на епископите, до които Христос даде право да преподават, освети и правило на църквата в името му ...
Religion; Catholic church
The "good news" of God's mercy and love revealed in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ. It is this Gospel or good news that the Apostles, and the Church following them, are to proclaim to ...
Religion; Catholic church
Дейността на християнската, която отговаря на апостолска характер на цялата църква като работят за разширяване на царуването на Христос в целия свят ...
Religion; Catholic church
The act by which the eternal God gave a beginning to all that exists outside of himself. Creation also refers to the created universe or totality of what exists, as often expressed by the formula ...
дарбите на Духа
Religion; Catholic church
Постоянни разпореждания, които ни правят схватлив да следвате подбудите на Светия Дух. Традиционните списъкът на седемте дарове на духа е получен от Исая 11:1-3: мъдрост, разбиране, знание, съветник, ...
Religion; Catholic church
One of the fruits of the Holy Spirit mentioned in Galations 5:22-23 (736). Peace is a goal of Christian living, as indicated by Jesus who said "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called ...